
Episode 3.4

Varbrillion is a mineral rich, but metal poor world. It orbits a red dwarf star and is constantly bombarded with stellar radiation. The planet has very little magnetic shielding of it's own, which results in auroras all over the planet. These sheets of radiation also pose a navigational hazard to ships trying to land, and they also render droids almost useless on the surface. Living prisoners are therefore used as slave labor in the mines.

This was the planet where Tiloo's said her family was being detained.

Captain Dnu plotted a hyperspace course that brought them out between the planet and the sun, thus masking their approach. As they entered the orbital field of Varbrillion and started their descent, waves of radiation buffeted the ship. The shields were taking a beating, and Krussk frantically worked the controls to keep them operating. Meanwhile, Rutrow was making hasty repairs on systems that were shorted out. "If you don't get that inertial dampener locked down, we're gonna be a smear!" yelled Captain Dnu. Luckily, Rutrow got it under control, and the ship skidded to a halt on the salt plains.

According to readings, the ship was approximately a hundred kilometers from the prison camp. The party decided to take the speeder out to investigate, leaving Captain Dnu behind in case they needed to make a fast getaway. Krussk returned Tiloo's holocron, and Odo-Kor gave her back her lightsaber. After a quick search of the Force, it was determined that there were no other Force-users in the vicinity, and the party set off.

They approached to within a half-kilometer of the prison, and they could see the lights along the fence. After parking the speeder by a rock, they made their way on foot a little closer. They could see about half a dozen guards on the perimeter of the fence looking inward. But Odo-Kor also spotted a patrol of two humans coming directly towards them from the flank. A brief battle ensued. Rutrow was nearly blasted into oblivion, but he managed to cut his opponent in half. "We can't question this one," said Tiloo. Odo-Kor dueled with the other guard, who threw a stun grenade that missed. After a few quick moves with the lightsaber, Odo-Kor rendered the other patrolman unconscious.

The blaster fire drew the attention of the guards, who sent out a speeder to check on the disturbance. As it approached, Odo-Kor reached out with the Force and slammed the speeder into a boulder. The speeder itself survived, but the impact killed all of the guards inside.

The party spent a few minutes surveying the prison camp and deciding what to do. Then they moved in...