
Jedi Endgame

Our intrepid heroes gathered around the pieces of their slain master and prepared to face his murderer in combat. Once everyone was in position, Rutrow gestured with the Force and activated the blast doors. They shot open, revealing a roughly circular room with a central shaft dropping down towards orange glowing heat. The female Sith stood a little ways away, with clone troopers on all sides of the room.

Rutrow surged into the room, cutting the first trooper in half with his lightsaber. Odo-Kor followed, and gestured towards the Sith, attempting to cast her into the lava shaft. She wavered for a moment, but resisted the telekinetic push. Owen inspired his companions to greatness, but rather than charge in, Krussk stepped forward cautiously. The troopers all opened fire on the wookie, pinning him beneath an onslaught of blaster bolts. This served to distract him and make his next attack miss. The Sith gestured, and failed to throw Odo-Kor into the lava. In response, Odo-Kor used his Force Grip on her, choking her and holding her immobile. The troopers divided their fire between Rutrow and Krussk, hindering both of them as they attacked the choking Sith.

After a few moments of frantic defense against Rutrow and Krussk, she managed to break free of the Force Grip and retreat to the back of the room. The party continued to move forward, slaying a few more clone troopers. As they started to close in on her, she managed to hurl Krussk into the pit with the Force, where he struck some jutting equipment, and he just barely managed to hang on. He dangled precariously over the drop into lava while Rutrow slew another clone trooper. Odo-Kor and Owen advanced. Krussk barely managed to pull himself up to the edge of the pit as Rutrow closed with the Sith and engaged her with his lightsaber. Odo-Kor did likewise. She started to falter under the combined assault. Seeing the odds against her were hopeless, and that her opponents' anger had been raised, she deactivated her lightsabers and knelt before them, saying, "I bow before your superior power."

Rutrow swayed as if he had received a physical blow, and lowered his lightsaber rather than give in to his angry impulse. Krussk, just risen from the pit, dropped his force axe and drew his rifle in one swift motion. He thumbed the switch to 'stun' and fired a shot into her torso. This rocked her backwards, but did not knock her unconscious. From across the room, Owen took aim and fired another stunning blast, taking her full in the forehead. She fell to the floor, unconscious.

Krussk immediately aruged that master Ji-Lin had instructed them to kill every Sith in the base, no matter what. But Rutrow was not convinced. He searched his feelings, and found that to slay a helpless opponent was to turn to the dark side. Krussk contacted Bunb Dnu on his comlink, and asked him if he had any problem killing a Sith. Bunb seemed excited at first, but when he was told that she was unconscious and a prisoner, he quailed and refused the offer. Krussk continued the argument, and as he spoke he jabbed the Sith's fallen body with his stun baton several times. This provoked Rutrow to finally step forward, daring Krussk to harm her any more. Odo-Kor then stepped in and started to drag her away towards the ship.

Owen searched for and found a computer terminal, and determined that he could create a security breach that would allow Rutrow time to sabotage the generator. Rutrow devised a way to shut down the protective force field that held the lava at bay, and put it on a 5 minute countdown. He and Owen then called for everyone to clear out immediately, and everyone bolted for the exit.

The party loaded themselves onto the waiting ship, and as it rose they watched lava boil out of the openings in the mountain. The Sith training base had been destroyed.

It is recorded that this group fought many more battles against the Empire. They never turned their Sith captive from the dark side, at least not completely. But she became convinced that Lord Vader and the Empire had betrayed and abandoned her. She fought against the Empire for a while, before slipping off into obscurity.

In time, Owen was recognized as a full Jedi, but Krussk's bloodthirsty tendencies kept him on the fringes of that noble order. Rutrow and Odo-Kor became leaders in the nascent rebellion against the Empire, but the record of their deeds stops here. History may never know the full story of what happened in those early, dark years of the Empire. But it is known that the seeds of hope that our heroes planted eventually grew and blossomed, giving rise to the New Republic. We owe them a debt of gratitude.


Episodes 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7

The Jedi Archivist has finally been hunted down and slain by Lord Vader's troops. Fragmentary accounts have been compiled here in an effort to document the last few adventures of Rutrow, Odo-Kor, Krussk, and Owen.

After freeing the political prisoners on Varbrillion, our heroes dropped them off at an asteroid station. The party took the opportunity to resupply, and Bunb Dnu acquired some cargo that seemed likely to earn some profit. He flew them to the location of a clandestine buyer, but nothing was there except for a pirate ambush. A boarding action occurred, and the pirates were repelled. Odo-Kor and Rutrow were on the verge of rampaging through the pirate ship. They planned to cut down bulkheads and pressure doors as they went, until all of the pirates were vanquished. But when the pirate ship broke the pressure seal and started to pull away, they jumped back into their own ship rather than be exposed to hard vacuum.

While still in space, Rutrow attempted to contact his master, Ji-Lin Jiang. He asked, "where?" and received the reply, "Tatooine."

In Mos Espa, a little legwork turned up buyers for the illicit ship transponders, and a little deception on Owen's part cranked up the profit significantly. While waiting for the buyers to receive the shipment, the party came under fire from a bounty hunter with a sniper rifle. Rutrow became enraged, and spent most of the fight climbing the building to get to the roof. Odo-Kor defended with his lightsaber, and even managed to deflect one of the shots back at his attacker. About that time, someone wondered where the security guards were. On cue, a guard emerged, and was immediately shot down by the sniper. Rutrow eventually scaled the building and cut the attacker in half with his lightsaber. A little while later, the buyers showed up, and not long after that, Ji-Lin made his appearance.

Ji-Lin said that he had evaded capture and discovered the location of a secret Sith training facility on the snowy planet Blandstaadt. The small base he described was one that he had visited back during the clone wars. It appeared that this base had since become a place for Vader's new apprentice to train Sith candidates. In order to remove the threat to the remaining Jedi, Ji-Lin proposed that the party assault the base.

The battle plan was simple. Bunb Dnu would land the ship some distance away from the base. Ji-Lin would attack the communications array, both severing the connection to the Empire, and also diverting some of the troops away from the base. Meanwhile, the rest of the party would sneak across the mountain passes and infiltrate the base, eliminating all opposition.

Rutrow became troubled with this plan, and asked why they needed to kill everyone inside. Ji-Lin explained that anyone who was a Sith candidate had already been passed over by the Jedi Council. He went on to say that it was just too dangerous to let any potential Sith survive, that the good of the Galaxy was at stake. This did not help Rutrow much in coming to terms with the battle ahead.

Despite his initial hesitance, however, Rutrow was savage in battle when it finally arrived. After a numbing two hour journey through snow and ice (Wookies don't wear shoes) The party heard the comm array explode, and saw a platoon of clone troopers take off to investigate. Six guards came out to the cliff-top entrance, and the party charged them. The guards were armed with electrostaves, and they used them fairly competently. After the battle, a few were left alive. Krussk systematically executed them, however, by cutting off their heads with his vibro-axe.

Once inside, Owen hacked the administrative computer, and came up with a schematic of the base. The party investigated the barracks first, but found it eerily empty. They went to the training grounds next. This room was a large natural cavern, perhaps 75 meters in diameter, with a catwalk around the edge about 20 meters from the floor.

The first door around the circumference revealed a Sith wielding a lightsaber. Odo-Kor immediately entered the room and engaged him. The ambush was sprung, and two more Sith dropped from the cavern ceiling to attack Rutrow and Krussk. A fourth Sith charged from one side. Odo-Kor used his Force Grip to immobilize his opponent for a few monents, and then was struck in the back of the head by a telekinetically thrown wrench. Rutrow and Krussk engaged their opponents, and Owen intimidated one into running away. The runner was cut down by a pursuing Krussk. Owen also intimidated another one into revealing the location of his master. The Sith cried out that she was nearby, and that they would all perish. He then went down against Rutrow's continued onslaught. The ceiling collapsed at that point, crushing Rutrow with stalactites. He shook it off, and regained his feet. Owen inspired Odo-Kor by blasting an already unconscious Sith that lay on the floor, and Odo-Kor performed an impressive backflip maneuver that ended with his opponent cut in half.

As everyone was assessing the carnage, it was noticed that one of the Sith on the ground still breathed. Krussk pointed at him and commanded Rutrow to kill. Rutrow refused to give in to the dark side. A debate started up, and while Rutrow's attention was elsewhere, Krussk simply stabbed the remaining man, killing him and gaining a few more dark side points.

Just as everyone thought that the battle was over, a fifth Sith dropped from the ceiling. He gestured, and Krussk went flying over the railing to slam hard into the ground below. A true warrior, Krussk shook it off for a few moments before coughing up blood. Rutrow attacked, and Odo-Kor attempted to use his Force Grip. His attempt was rebuked, however, and he had to hastily deflect his own telekinetic grip. Krussk took a shot from the ground with his rifle, but missed horribly. Odo-Kor used a Force Thrust on the Sith, knocking him down to Krussk's level. Rutrow used a Jedi Surge to practically fly down the ladder and engage the target once again. Between the two of them, Rutrow and Krussk finished him off.

About this time, Ji-Lin arrived, bloodied and tattered. He said that he had fought all of the troops, plus a few more Sith apprentices on his way in. The party said they were about to take on the Sith master in the geothermal generator room. Ji-Lin walked up to the blast doors, and concentrated for a moment. He turned to face the party and declared that there was indeed an evil presence inside that chamber.

At that moment, the blast doors shot open. A pale, bald humanoid female with two lightsabers cut down Ji-Lin on the spot, and the blast doors slammed shut an instant later.


Episode 3.4.1

Odo-Kor and Tiloo hopped into the crashed speeder (after jettisoning the bodies) and made a diversion by doing a drive-by. Odo-Kor ripped part of the fencing away with his Force powers, and then they parked and started firing randomly at the guards.

Krussk and Rutrow were able to sneak up from the other side of the compound, and Rutrow cut an entrance with his lightsaber. They then proceeded to take out each guard post in the camp. Many guards were impaled on Krussk's bayonet, and Rutrow cut several in half. At one point, Rutrow started using a blaster pistol, with mixed results. He also took a couple of near misses that singed his fur.

Once the outside areas were clear, they started clearing the buildings. In one of them, Rutrow surprised some guards who were hastily getting dressed. He cut them down where they stood. Krussk and Rutrow explored the cafeteria and encountered a racist human cook brandishing a cooking knife. They let him live.

After clearing the surface of guards, they proceeded down into the mine. The guards offered little resistance at this point, and the party came to where the prisoners were kept. Tiloo had a tearful reunion with her husband and daughter. There were about 50 other prisoners, and they all wore explosive ankle cuffs.

One of the prisoners was a human who spoke Shriwook. He introduced himself as Owen, and expressed gratitude for being freed. When the party became stymied at how to remove the ankle cuffs, he offered to hack the computer to release them all. After a few minutes, he succeeded, and all 50 prisoners were freed.

During this time, Bunb Dnu had landed the ship close to the camp, and the prisoners crammed aboard. Everyone braced for a rough ride, and the ship rose up through the sheets of ionizing radiation once again. Krussk once again manned the shield controls, and Rutrow made sure the lateral stabilizers were locked down. The ship made it away from the planet, and then jumped into hyperspace before the Imperial cruiser could come within range.


Episode 3.4

Varbrillion is a mineral rich, but metal poor world. It orbits a red dwarf star and is constantly bombarded with stellar radiation. The planet has very little magnetic shielding of it's own, which results in auroras all over the planet. These sheets of radiation also pose a navigational hazard to ships trying to land, and they also render droids almost useless on the surface. Living prisoners are therefore used as slave labor in the mines.

This was the planet where Tiloo's said her family was being detained.

Captain Dnu plotted a hyperspace course that brought them out between the planet and the sun, thus masking their approach. As they entered the orbital field of Varbrillion and started their descent, waves of radiation buffeted the ship. The shields were taking a beating, and Krussk frantically worked the controls to keep them operating. Meanwhile, Rutrow was making hasty repairs on systems that were shorted out. "If you don't get that inertial dampener locked down, we're gonna be a smear!" yelled Captain Dnu. Luckily, Rutrow got it under control, and the ship skidded to a halt on the salt plains.

According to readings, the ship was approximately a hundred kilometers from the prison camp. The party decided to take the speeder out to investigate, leaving Captain Dnu behind in case they needed to make a fast getaway. Krussk returned Tiloo's holocron, and Odo-Kor gave her back her lightsaber. After a quick search of the Force, it was determined that there were no other Force-users in the vicinity, and the party set off.

They approached to within a half-kilometer of the prison, and they could see the lights along the fence. After parking the speeder by a rock, they made their way on foot a little closer. They could see about half a dozen guards on the perimeter of the fence looking inward. But Odo-Kor also spotted a patrol of two humans coming directly towards them from the flank. A brief battle ensued. Rutrow was nearly blasted into oblivion, but he managed to cut his opponent in half. "We can't question this one," said Tiloo. Odo-Kor dueled with the other guard, who threw a stun grenade that missed. After a few quick moves with the lightsaber, Odo-Kor rendered the other patrolman unconscious.

The blaster fire drew the attention of the guards, who sent out a speeder to check on the disturbance. As it approached, Odo-Kor reached out with the Force and slammed the speeder into a boulder. The speeder itself survived, but the impact killed all of the guards inside.

The party spent a few minutes surveying the prison camp and deciding what to do. Then they moved in...


Episode 3.3

The party took a few minutes to collect themselves, and then they approached the ship in the speeder. The ship sat with it's cargo bay door opened as a ramp, with no one in sight. As the party got out and started moving forward, a voice called out from inside the hold for them to stop and identify themselves. They said that they were looking for passage off world.

A Sullustan stepped out from the edge of the doorway with a blaster pointed at the party. He asked if they were Jedi. Odo-Kor said they were. The sullustan holstered his blaster and came out into the light. He said that he could help them, and introduced himself as Captain Bunb Dnu, which the party shortened to Bun-bun, or Captain Dnu. They gave their names in turn, and he asked them what they had for payment. They offered the speeder. He checked it out and said it would do, and then drove it into the cargo hold.

Once the party had taken off with Captain Dnu, he told of how he had helped a female cerean Jedi named Tiloo about a month ago. He took her to a remote asteroid base in a deserted system, and dropped her off with some supplies and a portable generator. He explained that he was a smuggler of common goods, like taboo lava rocks from Ryusion. He seemed excited to have graduated to smuggling Jedi while evading the Empire.

Krussk spent the voyage repairing the comm set on the clone helmet, and he fashioned something he could wear from the clone armor. It didn't fit perfectly, and he couldn't wear the helmet, but it gave him some amount of protection. Krussk also lost a few credits while gambling with Captain Dnu. Odo-Kor and Rutrow played holochess with each other, and Odo-Kor won every time.

They finally arrived at the asteroid base. There were power readings coming from it, and the agriponics dome had living plants that could be seen from outside. Odo-Kor searched the Force for signs of a Jedi, and found a presence on the asteroid. The hangar doors were shut, so Captain Dnu had to dock with a small airlock on the side. Once inside, the party encountered dimly lit or darkened corridors, and no one met them at the lock. Rutrow and Dnu went one way to look for Tiloo, and Odo-Kor and Krussk went the other way.

Odo-Kor and Krussk found the agriponics garden, which had a maintenance robot that was trundling along doing it's job. Rutrow and Dnu turned a corner and were blinded as someone shone a light into their faces. Dnu's blaster was out of it's holster in a flash. A female voice queried them, and Dnu asked if her if she was Tiloo. She called Dnu by name, and asked what he was doing. He said that he found some other Jedi who were on the run and brought them here as a safe haven.

Tiloo seemed resigned and grim, and using commlinks, the party regrouped. Tiloo said that she'd been very lonely here, and that she would show them to some quarters. She walked into a darkened room, and the party followed her. As she reached the far end, she activated the lights, revealing two clone troopers on either side of her and two flanking the door. This was apparently a barracks, and bunk beds lined the walls. The door shut with a hiss, and combat began.

Rutrow and Dnu drew first, and Tiloo drew her blue lightsaber and said, "I'm sorry, but they have my husband and daughter." Odo-Kor was stricken by this news, and his resolve began to waver. One of the troopers said, "Get them!" and shots were fired. Rutrow charged the nearest flanking trooper, and bisected him with one powerful downward stroke. Krussk drew his rifle with bayonet, and stepped between a trooper and Dnu. Dnu started taking shots while hiding behind the bunk beds. Odo-Kor took a defensive stance with his lightsaber. Tiloo spoke to him again and said, "please, if you will stop resisting, I can work this out." Odo-Kor's resolve weakened further.

The troopers, however, having seen one of their own cut down had different plans. One of them called out, "Screw stunning them! Shoot to kill!" The remaining three opened up with fully automatic fire on the knot of allies near the doorway. Were it not for Krussk's Force talents, he might have been completely perforated, but he came through the barrage with only a scratch. Rutrow ran from behind the bed and knocked Tiloo and two troopers prone with his Force Slam. Odo-Kor steeled himself and strode forward. Krussk caught his attacker with an upward thrust of his bayonet, which snagged in his armor and hoisted him onto the nearest bunk bed. As the trooper tried to leap off of the bed from a prone position, Krussk threw him to the ground with a downward sweep, knocking him unconscious. Rutrow then finished off his opponent with a two-handed attack, and Odo-Kor made a few weak stabs at the other trooper.

Tiloo pleaded, "Please stop, you're killing them!" and she attempted to disarm Rutrow He became very displeased and attacked Tiloo directly. As be battered at her defenses, Krussk ran forward and slammed his bayonet up under the remaining trooper's chin, killing him and lifting his body into the air.

Disheveled and retreating, Tiloo deactivated her lightsaber and went to her knees. "You might as well kill me now. Get it over with. An Empire cruiser is already on the way. They will do it if you won't" she said, and she bowed her head awaiting the killing blow.

Odo-Kor said, "Give me your lightsaber" and she held it up for him to take easily. Krussk snapped out his stun baton and gave her a jolt. She fell limp at their feet.

Krussk picked up the blaster rifles and slung them on one arm, and with the other he scooped up Tiloo. Rutrow ran off to destroy the computers on the station to remove any records they might have contained about Dnu's arrival. Odo-Kor went quickly to the hangar and wrecked the clone trooper drop-ship that was berthed there. Dnu ran ahead to prepare the ship. After a few quick minutes, they all jumped aboard, closed the hatch, and roared off.

They found a holocron of a male cerean and a young female cerean on Tiloo's person while she was unconscious, and Krussk hid it in the glove box of the speeder. Rutrow went into a mournful meditation, and Odo-Kor and Krussk spoke privately about how the Empire could have tracked them. They used the ship sensors to check for homing devices, but found none. They seemed to suspect Dnu of setting them up, and he swore that he knew nothing of all of this, that perhaps Tiloo had done some Jedi mind trick on him to make him pick up other Jedi and lead them to her. The Jedi gave Dnu a serious consideration and then judged him blameless.

A fear was expressed by Rutrow : They should never let Tiloo speak again, because she might be a Bene Jesserit witch with the powers of The Voice. It was then explained to him that this was Star Wars, not Dune.

Later, after everyone had rested, Krussk prodded Tiloo awake with his stun baton. She asked to be left alone. Rutrow wanted to know how she could have a husband if she was a Jedi. Odo-Kor translated. She said it was obvious. She was no longer a Jedi. She had undergone training at the academy for most of her life, but once she had met her husband, that was it. They asked her about how the Empire had tracked them, and she explained that her family had been captured and used to force her to entrap any Jedi that came looking for safe haven. She had gained passage with Dnu, but had carried a homing beacon, which then led the Empire to her hiding spot. They stationed a few troopers with her, and parked a cruiser a short hyperspace jump away. When questioned, she said that the beacon was still on the asteroid.

Rutrow wanted to know why she didn't overcome her guards with her powers of persuasion. Odo-Kor translated, and she said that they were obedient and not very susceptible to her sort of negotiating powers. Besides, she said, they had her family and she was stranded, so it would have done no good.

Odo-Kor asked her if she knew where they had her family, and she said yes, unless they had been moved. "We're going to help you rescue your family."


Episode 3.2

Rutrow the Wookie Jedi found himself on the planet Ryusion. Captain Koran let him out of his cargo crate, and explained that he had intended to drop him off on Yauslag along with his companions. He said that an Empire cruiser had showed up, and he had been forced to take off. Using a combination of sign language and Jedi telepathy, Rutrow was able to ask if he could stick around with the captain until he made the trip back to Yauslag. He also demonstrated his technical prowess by fixing a loose plasma coupling on the port side of the Koran's ship.

After a few hours, Koran invited Rutrow for food at a nearby kebab kiosk. Later on, Rutrow found himself alone and worried for his friends.

Luckily, his companions Krussk and Odo-Kor were only a few hours behind him on Phyll's ship. After they landed on Ryusion, Phyll looked up the docking registry and saw Koran's ship in berth 92. The two Jedi made their way to Koran's ship, and using the Force, determined that Rutrow was inside. A happy reunion took place.

Koran joined the group in a conversation and learned about the fate of the secret base on Yauslag. Realizing that everyone was now at risk, he went off to make arrangements for himself and for the party. Krussk took the opportunity to rent a covered cargo bin, and transport his illicit clone trooper armor to Koran's ship. He also spent some time tinkering with the electronics in the helmet, and managed to disable the commlink.

Koran returned and said that he would have to split off from the party, but that he had contacted a smuggler who could get them off-planet before the Empire arrived. He explained that the locals have a religious taboo against visiting the lava pits without a priest, and that this smuggler has already been banned from trading on this world for violating that taboo. His ship is parked many kilometers out of town near a geothermal conduit in the lava fields. These conduits are floating energy pipelines that transmit energy back from the lava pools. And because sentients are not allowed to view the pools directly, they use large maintenance droids that travel along the top of the conduits. Koran said that a guy would show up in an hour, and show them where to get on board one of the maintenance droids.

An hour passed, and the party spotted their contact. He led them discretely to a maintenance hatch, and activated the droid. It was the size of a car, but only had running boards on the sides. The party clung to it's sides as the guy activated it, and it started out along the top of the conduit.

After several minutes of travel out in the open, the party noticed an open-topped speeder approaching from behind. Three people were in it, and as it got closer, they saw that the one in the rear seat was aiming a carbine in their direction. When he fired, they knew something was up. Odo-Kor ignited his lightsaber and went into a defensive stance. Krussk stayed low, and tried not to be noticed. The gunner with a carbine fired at Odo-Kor, and rolled a 20, but Odo-Kor rolled a 20 also, and deflected the shot with his lightsaber.

Rutrow jumped over to the side of the droid closer to the incoming speeder, and the gunner took a shot at Rutrow. Krussk decided to stop hiding and popped up to take a shot at the gunner. He missed. The gunner then decided to switch targets and aimed at Krussk. He rolled a 20 on his shot. It was destined to hit krussk in the head, but Odo-Kor spent a Force point to deflect it with his lightsaber, and he also rolled a 20! The shot impacted the lightsaber and ricocheted to the ground.

The speeder moved closer, and when it was close enough Rutrow blasted it with a Force Slam. This knocked over the gunner in the back seat, and caused the driver to swerve to the side. When the driver regained control, he sped ahead a short distance. The passenger opened fire with a pistol, but missed.

Krussk took aim with his blaster rifle. His shot took the gunner full in the torso, killing him instantly. The passenger returned fire again, but missed again. Krussk aimed carefully and shot the driver. The speeder started to slow and veer away from the conduit as the driver expired. Seeing that this entire chase was taking place at just over running speed, Rutrow leapt from the maintenance droid and started pursuing the speeder, his lightsaber in hand. He was not able to reach the speeder before Krussk's final shot found the passenger and killed him. Rutrow was able to jump aboard the slowing speeder and steer it alongside the maintenance droid as it continued on its way.

Krussk and Odo-Kor jumped from the maintenance droid and Rutrow brought the speeder to a halt. The party stripped the bodies of weapons, and then dumped them into a nearby lava pool. They then continued to follow the conduit in the speeder. After a while, they spotted the transport ship about half a kilometer from the conduit, and veered off to meet it.

Next session : The Sullustan Smuggler


Episode 3.1.1

Krussk and Odo-Kor decided to stock up on food from the cargo containers before pursuing the Rodians. They figured that since they were stranded, any civilization was better than none. While they were gathering supplies, however, they heard a speeder approach. They hid behind the container, and Krussk started rapidly putting the food back.

A flat-bed skimmer with a cargo arm floated over the hill, piloted by a skinny-headed humanoid wearing a white, hooded robe. This person failed to notice the two hidden party members, but as he was loading a cargo container onto his skimmer, he noticed the hole cut into the side of it. At this point, Odo-Kor stepped out and said hello. Startled, the stranger asked who he was and wanted to know what he was doing there. Odo-Kor introduced himself said that they had been stranded. The person introduced himself as Phyll, and it became clear that he was a Muun, of banking clan infamy. He was obviously a Separatist. Krussk stepped out, and Odo-Kor introduced him as well. Phyll welcomed them to the planet Yauslag.

After a brief questioning by Phyll to confirm that the players were really associates of Captain Koran, they were invited to help him collect the cargo and take it back to his hidden base. The base turned out to be an abandoned underground depot for farm machinery. Phyll explained that this planet had seen industrialization many centuries ago, but that it had been mostly abandoned and then re-settled by Rodians looking for a simpler hunting existence. This base was one of the last farming posts during industrialized times. They descended into the tri-level hangar, and saw the walls lined with about 2 dozen battle droids in maintenance alcoves.

Phyll explained that this place was a secret cache of Separatist droids, and that he was slowly taking the standard models and updating them with individual processors so that they could operate more independently. As he put it, "It's a whole different war now." He has been here for months by himself, with ships dropping off droids every week or so. He also said that he had asked the local Rodian hunters to "discourage" anyone seen hanging around his drop-off point.

He noticed the blasted locking mechanism on the container, and complained that it was going to take forever to properly unload and re-load the droids. Krussk said that he could repair it if he had tools and some assistance. Phyll and Odo-Kor helped out, and after about an hour the electronic lock was repaired. While they welded a plate over the hole that had been cut in the container, Phyll unloaded the droids and started to reprogram them. Odo-Kor and Krussk then decided that they would help get cargo crates as quickly as possible.

As they drove out to pick up the second crate, they noticed black smoke coming from over the horizon in the direction that the Rodians had ridden. On the way out for the third crate, Phyll called them on a comlink and said that his perimeter sensors were picking up a platoon of clone troopers incoming on a speeder APC. They rushed back to the base, and Odo-Kor was frantically activating battle droids. The two party members joined in, and started booting them up. They worked downward, and were almost done with the second floor when the sounds of blaster fire erupted from the level above. The battle droids were engaging the clone troopers.

One of the troopers rappelled down in front of the party, and Odo-Kor quickly ignited his lightsaber and severed the lower portion of the cable. As the trooper started to swing around to land on the second level, Odo-Kor cut the cable above him, dropping him to the floor of the hangar. Krussk continued to activate droids, and Odo-Kor eventually came back to help too.

After the second floor was done, all three jumped into the turbolift down to the ground floor. As the doors opened at the bottom, a blaster shot impacted on the rear wall of the lift. The fallen trooper had taken up a position behind a column and was firing. Odo-Kor charged him and attacked with his lightsaber. The trooper fired back at close quarters, and Krussk ran up to help, bayonet at the ready. The two of them flanked the trooper and Krussk impaled him, taking him out of the fight. Phyll fired up the skimmer and activated the lift, and everyone jumped on board. The stabbed trooper was hauled aboard as well for his armor. Phyll said that he had an escape transport hidden a few kilometers away, and that they would have to make a run for it.

Shots were fired at them as they rose past the other two floors, but they were able to hide behind the cargo arm for cover. As they cleared the surface, another trooper jumped onto the skimmer from ground level. A frantic battle ensued, and it looked like Odo-Kor was about to run out of breath before being fatally shot. Krussk stepped in between the trooper and his friend, however, and Odo-Kor was able to catch a second wind. Krussk then impaled the trooper on his bayonet, and pushed him over the edge into the hangar below.

Odo-Kor and Krussk saw the un-manned APC speeder, and commandeered it while Phyll led the way. Once they arrived at Phyll's ship, Odo-Kor disabled the controls of the APC with his lightsaber, and they jumped aboard the transport. As they departed the atmosphere, an Empire cruiser started to pursue. But it was too far away in orbit, and the party was able to jump into hyperspace.

They flew to Ryusion, which was the original destination of Captain Koran. There they were able to meet up with their friend. Koran said that the plan had been to leave the Jedi safely with Phyll. As he was unloading, however, an Empire ship had shown up and demanded to know what they were doing. They claimed they were making some repairs on the way to Ryusion, and had to leave before they had unloaded all of the crates, including the one with Ji-Lin's padawan inside.


Episode 3.1

Krussk was a soldier for the Republic, a good Trandoshan. He had been visited by the Jedi when he was a teenager, and they expressed interest in his special powers. But they would not train him in the Jedi ways. Later, he fought beside one of them, a human Jedi Master named Ji-Lin-Jiang, in the Clone Wars. But the clone troopers turned on them one day, and they were forced to flee along with Ji-Lin's padawan and a young Kel Dor Jedi named Odo-Kor.

The group of four escaped together, and spent some time on the run from the Empire's forces. But the clone troopers managed to find them again somehow, and Ji-Lin drew off their pursuit, leaving the other three to be smuggled offworld in cargo crates.

Odo-Kor and Krussk shared a crate, cramped together for a few days, and Ji-Lin's padawan was sealed into another crate. Finally, they heard the thumps and bumps of unloading machinery, and their crate was lifted and moved somewhere. But instead of being let out, they heard the engines fire up and then recede into the distance.

Using their force powers, the two sensed the surroundings outside of the crate, and found that there were no living beings in the near vicinity. The padawan must have gone with the ship! Odo-Kor cut an opening with his lightsaber, and they emerged into a shallow, grassy valley with six other cargo crates around them. Seeing no ships overhead, they proceeded to examine the contents of the cargo crates. Krussk failed to open the electronic locks, and so resorted to his blaster. Most of the locks merely fused when he shot them, but a few opened. Odo-Kor cut small holes into the others to get a look inside. Four had protocol droids, and two were filled with boxes of foodstuffs.

The shots must have attracted some attention, because on the crest of the hill they saw three Rodians on long-legged creatures. One had a blaster rifle, and started firing. Odo-Kor ignited his lightsaber and moved forward, dodging all incoming blaster fire. Krussk hunkered down and started shooting back. Lots of shots were fired, and only one came close enough to singe Odo-Kor. Before the Jedi could reach them, they re-mounted and rode off. The two adventurers ran to the top of the hill and watched the Rodians ride off into the distance over a seemingly endless set of grassy, rolling hills.

Who were the mounted Rodians, and why did they attack? What planet is this? And why were they dropped here?


Episode 3.0.2 - Character creation

Attributes : 15,14,13,12,11,8
This translates into : two at +2, two at +1, one at +0, and one at -1.

No Gungans or Ewoks allowed.

Licensed, Restricted, or Illegal equipment must be purchased at appropriate black market prices. You may get a thermal detonator for your character if they can afford it with their 1st-level funds.

If you play a Wookie, then you will be required to make Wookie sounds at the game when your character speaks.

If you want to play a droid, let me know. I don't recommend it.


Episode 3.0.1

A short time ago, in a galaxy very, very close...

It is a time of great upheavals. Gamers, responding to personal issues, have quit their D&D campaign, leaving four men to contemplate the bleak future.

During their discussions, these men discover the ultimate weapon, Star Wars d20 Saga Edition RPG, a game system so powerful that it can start a campaign before an old one is even finished.

Pursued by their childhood fantasies, these men race out to purchase rulebooks, the plans that can revitalize their gaming group and restore freedom to the galaxy...