Odo-Kor and Tiloo hopped into the crashed speeder (after jettisoning the bodies) and made a diversion by doing a drive-by. Odo-Kor ripped part of the fencing away with his Force powers, and then they parked and started firing randomly at the guards.
Krussk and Rutrow were able to sneak up from the other side of the compound, and Rutrow cut an entrance with his lightsaber. They then proceeded to take out each guard post in the camp. Many guards were impaled on Krussk's bayonet, and Rutrow cut several in half. At one point, Rutrow started using a blaster pistol, with mixed results. He also took a couple of near misses that singed his fur.
Once the outside areas were clear, they started clearing the buildings. In one of them, Rutrow surprised some guards who were hastily getting dressed. He cut them down where they stood. Krussk and Rutrow explored the cafeteria and encountered a racist human cook brandishing a cooking knife. They let him live.
After clearing the surface of guards, they proceeded down into the mine. The guards offered little resistance at this point, and the party came to where the prisoners were kept. Tiloo had a tearful reunion with her husband and daughter. There were about 50 other prisoners, and they all wore explosive ankle cuffs.
One of the prisoners was a human who spoke Shriwook. He introduced himself as Owen, and expressed gratitude for being freed. When the party became stymied at how to remove the ankle cuffs, he offered to hack the computer to release them all. After a few minutes, he succeeded, and all 50 prisoners were freed.
During this time, Bunb Dnu had landed the ship close to the camp, and the prisoners crammed aboard. Everyone braced for a rough ride, and the ship rose up through the sheets of ionizing radiation once again. Krussk once again manned the shield controls, and Rutrow made sure the lateral stabilizers were locked down. The ship made it away from the planet, and then jumped into hyperspace before the Imperial cruiser could come within range.