
Episode 3.4.1

Odo-Kor and Tiloo hopped into the crashed speeder (after jettisoning the bodies) and made a diversion by doing a drive-by. Odo-Kor ripped part of the fencing away with his Force powers, and then they parked and started firing randomly at the guards.

Krussk and Rutrow were able to sneak up from the other side of the compound, and Rutrow cut an entrance with his lightsaber. They then proceeded to take out each guard post in the camp. Many guards were impaled on Krussk's bayonet, and Rutrow cut several in half. At one point, Rutrow started using a blaster pistol, with mixed results. He also took a couple of near misses that singed his fur.

Once the outside areas were clear, they started clearing the buildings. In one of them, Rutrow surprised some guards who were hastily getting dressed. He cut them down where they stood. Krussk and Rutrow explored the cafeteria and encountered a racist human cook brandishing a cooking knife. They let him live.

After clearing the surface of guards, they proceeded down into the mine. The guards offered little resistance at this point, and the party came to where the prisoners were kept. Tiloo had a tearful reunion with her husband and daughter. There were about 50 other prisoners, and they all wore explosive ankle cuffs.

One of the prisoners was a human who spoke Shriwook. He introduced himself as Owen, and expressed gratitude for being freed. When the party became stymied at how to remove the ankle cuffs, he offered to hack the computer to release them all. After a few minutes, he succeeded, and all 50 prisoners were freed.

During this time, Bunb Dnu had landed the ship close to the camp, and the prisoners crammed aboard. Everyone braced for a rough ride, and the ship rose up through the sheets of ionizing radiation once again. Krussk once again manned the shield controls, and Rutrow made sure the lateral stabilizers were locked down. The ship made it away from the planet, and then jumped into hyperspace before the Imperial cruiser could come within range.


Episode 3.4

Varbrillion is a mineral rich, but metal poor world. It orbits a red dwarf star and is constantly bombarded with stellar radiation. The planet has very little magnetic shielding of it's own, which results in auroras all over the planet. These sheets of radiation also pose a navigational hazard to ships trying to land, and they also render droids almost useless on the surface. Living prisoners are therefore used as slave labor in the mines.

This was the planet where Tiloo's said her family was being detained.

Captain Dnu plotted a hyperspace course that brought them out between the planet and the sun, thus masking their approach. As they entered the orbital field of Varbrillion and started their descent, waves of radiation buffeted the ship. The shields were taking a beating, and Krussk frantically worked the controls to keep them operating. Meanwhile, Rutrow was making hasty repairs on systems that were shorted out. "If you don't get that inertial dampener locked down, we're gonna be a smear!" yelled Captain Dnu. Luckily, Rutrow got it under control, and the ship skidded to a halt on the salt plains.

According to readings, the ship was approximately a hundred kilometers from the prison camp. The party decided to take the speeder out to investigate, leaving Captain Dnu behind in case they needed to make a fast getaway. Krussk returned Tiloo's holocron, and Odo-Kor gave her back her lightsaber. After a quick search of the Force, it was determined that there were no other Force-users in the vicinity, and the party set off.

They approached to within a half-kilometer of the prison, and they could see the lights along the fence. After parking the speeder by a rock, they made their way on foot a little closer. They could see about half a dozen guards on the perimeter of the fence looking inward. But Odo-Kor also spotted a patrol of two humans coming directly towards them from the flank. A brief battle ensued. Rutrow was nearly blasted into oblivion, but he managed to cut his opponent in half. "We can't question this one," said Tiloo. Odo-Kor dueled with the other guard, who threw a stun grenade that missed. After a few quick moves with the lightsaber, Odo-Kor rendered the other patrolman unconscious.

The blaster fire drew the attention of the guards, who sent out a speeder to check on the disturbance. As it approached, Odo-Kor reached out with the Force and slammed the speeder into a boulder. The speeder itself survived, but the impact killed all of the guards inside.

The party spent a few minutes surveying the prison camp and deciding what to do. Then they moved in...


Episode 3.3

The party took a few minutes to collect themselves, and then they approached the ship in the speeder. The ship sat with it's cargo bay door opened as a ramp, with no one in sight. As the party got out and started moving forward, a voice called out from inside the hold for them to stop and identify themselves. They said that they were looking for passage off world.

A Sullustan stepped out from the edge of the doorway with a blaster pointed at the party. He asked if they were Jedi. Odo-Kor said they were. The sullustan holstered his blaster and came out into the light. He said that he could help them, and introduced himself as Captain Bunb Dnu, which the party shortened to Bun-bun, or Captain Dnu. They gave their names in turn, and he asked them what they had for payment. They offered the speeder. He checked it out and said it would do, and then drove it into the cargo hold.

Once the party had taken off with Captain Dnu, he told of how he had helped a female cerean Jedi named Tiloo about a month ago. He took her to a remote asteroid base in a deserted system, and dropped her off with some supplies and a portable generator. He explained that he was a smuggler of common goods, like taboo lava rocks from Ryusion. He seemed excited to have graduated to smuggling Jedi while evading the Empire.

Krussk spent the voyage repairing the comm set on the clone helmet, and he fashioned something he could wear from the clone armor. It didn't fit perfectly, and he couldn't wear the helmet, but it gave him some amount of protection. Krussk also lost a few credits while gambling with Captain Dnu. Odo-Kor and Rutrow played holochess with each other, and Odo-Kor won every time.

They finally arrived at the asteroid base. There were power readings coming from it, and the agriponics dome had living plants that could be seen from outside. Odo-Kor searched the Force for signs of a Jedi, and found a presence on the asteroid. The hangar doors were shut, so Captain Dnu had to dock with a small airlock on the side. Once inside, the party encountered dimly lit or darkened corridors, and no one met them at the lock. Rutrow and Dnu went one way to look for Tiloo, and Odo-Kor and Krussk went the other way.

Odo-Kor and Krussk found the agriponics garden, which had a maintenance robot that was trundling along doing it's job. Rutrow and Dnu turned a corner and were blinded as someone shone a light into their faces. Dnu's blaster was out of it's holster in a flash. A female voice queried them, and Dnu asked if her if she was Tiloo. She called Dnu by name, and asked what he was doing. He said that he found some other Jedi who were on the run and brought them here as a safe haven.

Tiloo seemed resigned and grim, and using commlinks, the party regrouped. Tiloo said that she'd been very lonely here, and that she would show them to some quarters. She walked into a darkened room, and the party followed her. As she reached the far end, she activated the lights, revealing two clone troopers on either side of her and two flanking the door. This was apparently a barracks, and bunk beds lined the walls. The door shut with a hiss, and combat began.

Rutrow and Dnu drew first, and Tiloo drew her blue lightsaber and said, "I'm sorry, but they have my husband and daughter." Odo-Kor was stricken by this news, and his resolve began to waver. One of the troopers said, "Get them!" and shots were fired. Rutrow charged the nearest flanking trooper, and bisected him with one powerful downward stroke. Krussk drew his rifle with bayonet, and stepped between a trooper and Dnu. Dnu started taking shots while hiding behind the bunk beds. Odo-Kor took a defensive stance with his lightsaber. Tiloo spoke to him again and said, "please, if you will stop resisting, I can work this out." Odo-Kor's resolve weakened further.

The troopers, however, having seen one of their own cut down had different plans. One of them called out, "Screw stunning them! Shoot to kill!" The remaining three opened up with fully automatic fire on the knot of allies near the doorway. Were it not for Krussk's Force talents, he might have been completely perforated, but he came through the barrage with only a scratch. Rutrow ran from behind the bed and knocked Tiloo and two troopers prone with his Force Slam. Odo-Kor steeled himself and strode forward. Krussk caught his attacker with an upward thrust of his bayonet, which snagged in his armor and hoisted him onto the nearest bunk bed. As the trooper tried to leap off of the bed from a prone position, Krussk threw him to the ground with a downward sweep, knocking him unconscious. Rutrow then finished off his opponent with a two-handed attack, and Odo-Kor made a few weak stabs at the other trooper.

Tiloo pleaded, "Please stop, you're killing them!" and she attempted to disarm Rutrow He became very displeased and attacked Tiloo directly. As be battered at her defenses, Krussk ran forward and slammed his bayonet up under the remaining trooper's chin, killing him and lifting his body into the air.

Disheveled and retreating, Tiloo deactivated her lightsaber and went to her knees. "You might as well kill me now. Get it over with. An Empire cruiser is already on the way. They will do it if you won't" she said, and she bowed her head awaiting the killing blow.

Odo-Kor said, "Give me your lightsaber" and she held it up for him to take easily. Krussk snapped out his stun baton and gave her a jolt. She fell limp at their feet.

Krussk picked up the blaster rifles and slung them on one arm, and with the other he scooped up Tiloo. Rutrow ran off to destroy the computers on the station to remove any records they might have contained about Dnu's arrival. Odo-Kor went quickly to the hangar and wrecked the clone trooper drop-ship that was berthed there. Dnu ran ahead to prepare the ship. After a few quick minutes, they all jumped aboard, closed the hatch, and roared off.

They found a holocron of a male cerean and a young female cerean on Tiloo's person while she was unconscious, and Krussk hid it in the glove box of the speeder. Rutrow went into a mournful meditation, and Odo-Kor and Krussk spoke privately about how the Empire could have tracked them. They used the ship sensors to check for homing devices, but found none. They seemed to suspect Dnu of setting them up, and he swore that he knew nothing of all of this, that perhaps Tiloo had done some Jedi mind trick on him to make him pick up other Jedi and lead them to her. The Jedi gave Dnu a serious consideration and then judged him blameless.

A fear was expressed by Rutrow : They should never let Tiloo speak again, because she might be a Bene Jesserit witch with the powers of The Voice. It was then explained to him that this was Star Wars, not Dune.

Later, after everyone had rested, Krussk prodded Tiloo awake with his stun baton. She asked to be left alone. Rutrow wanted to know how she could have a husband if she was a Jedi. Odo-Kor translated. She said it was obvious. She was no longer a Jedi. She had undergone training at the academy for most of her life, but once she had met her husband, that was it. They asked her about how the Empire had tracked them, and she explained that her family had been captured and used to force her to entrap any Jedi that came looking for safe haven. She had gained passage with Dnu, but had carried a homing beacon, which then led the Empire to her hiding spot. They stationed a few troopers with her, and parked a cruiser a short hyperspace jump away. When questioned, she said that the beacon was still on the asteroid.

Rutrow wanted to know why she didn't overcome her guards with her powers of persuasion. Odo-Kor translated, and she said that they were obedient and not very susceptible to her sort of negotiating powers. Besides, she said, they had her family and she was stranded, so it would have done no good.

Odo-Kor asked her if she knew where they had her family, and she said yes, unless they had been moved. "We're going to help you rescue your family."