Krussk was a soldier for the Republic, a good Trandoshan. He had been visited by the Jedi when he was a teenager, and they expressed interest in his special powers. But they would not train him in the Jedi ways. Later, he fought beside one of them, a human Jedi Master named Ji-Lin-Jiang, in the Clone Wars. But the clone troopers turned on them one day, and they were forced to flee along with Ji-Lin's padawan and a young Kel Dor Jedi named Odo-Kor.
The group of four escaped together, and spent some time on the run from the Empire's forces. But the clone troopers managed to find them again somehow, and Ji-Lin drew off their pursuit, leaving the other three to be smuggled offworld in cargo crates.
Odo-Kor and Krussk shared a crate, cramped together for a few days, and Ji-Lin's padawan was sealed into another crate. Finally, they heard the thumps and bumps of unloading machinery, and their crate was lifted and moved somewhere. But instead of being let out, they heard the engines fire up and then recede into the distance.
Using their force powers, the two sensed the surroundings outside of the crate, and found that there were no living beings in the near vicinity. The padawan must have gone with the ship! Odo-Kor cut an opening with his lightsaber, and they emerged into a shallow, grassy valley with six other cargo crates around them. Seeing no ships overhead, they proceeded to examine the contents of the cargo crates. Krussk failed to open the electronic locks, and so resorted to his blaster. Most of the locks merely fused when he shot them, but a few opened. Odo-Kor cut small holes into the others to get a look inside. Four had protocol droids, and two were filled with boxes of foodstuffs.
The shots must have attracted some attention, because on the crest of the hill they saw three Rodians on long-legged creatures. One had a blaster rifle, and started firing. Odo-Kor ignited his lightsaber and moved forward, dodging all incoming blaster fire. Krussk hunkered down and started shooting back. Lots of shots were fired, and only one came close enough to singe Odo-Kor. Before the Jedi could reach them, they re-mounted and rode off. The two adventurers ran to the top of the hill and watched the Rodians ride off into the distance over a seemingly endless set of grassy, rolling hills.
Who were the mounted Rodians, and why did they attack? What planet is this? And why were they dropped here?